The Mill Creek School Family Program offers an additional layer of support for parents.
In-school family meetings
Held to address student and parent concerns that negatively impact progress in school.
Transition meetings
With the Guidance counselor, advisor, and social worker are offered to help students and their families make post high school choices appropriate for each student's level of progress in managing their life issues.
Family based activities
Can also be designed for difficult areas in which parents need help navigating.
Parent support group
meetings are held monthly by members of the Emotional Support Team. The group is designed to educate and support parents and guardians about issues that directly impact their child's ability to be successful I an educational setting. The meetings are held to provide information on a range of relevant topics and are to be used as a space for parents to form a community with other Mill Creek parents. Topics are determined by parent interest and identified needs.
A number of topics can be covered in the meetings mostly under three categories: special education topics, mental health topics, and transition topics. Some of them include:
- What are things parents can do to help their child prepare for young adulthood?
- How are MC students similar and different than other high school students?
- Why is your MC student so stressed right now?
- How can parents help their child navigate the social media universe?
- How do I help my child find the right therapist?
- How do I know when to push my child and when to soothe them?
- How can I guide my child toward the best options following graduation given his/her struggles?
- How can I help my transgender child?
- How to understand mood disorders and anxiety disorders in children.
- What are some things at home I can do to assist my high functioning autistic child?
- What are some realistic options for continued success for students who receive special education supports?
** Please check the Links Section on this page to find more resources